The RENOVALT project

In France, as in Belgium, there is a great deal of work to be done as regards energy renovation in old buildings.
The laws and regulations on energy performance are being stepped up in order to encourage renovation.
Renovalt, an Interreg Europe project, aims to analyse the needs of businesses in this area, create a range of alternance training schemes and promote cross-border worker mobility by 2022.
The partnership has identified the following areas:
In France:
– The departments of Marne and Ardennes in the Grand Est region.
In Belgium:
– The provinces of Namur and Belgian Luxembourg.
Presentation video
Working method

Stage 1: needs analysis
Thanks to an analysis of current needs, professionals in the sector will highlight the priority areas on which the project will subsequently focus. When this study is complete, a technical guide will be drawn up for businesses and a trades guide for training operators.
Stage 2: the training range
During a second phase, based on the results of the needs analysis, Renovalt will organise an innovative range of training courses leading to qualifications as well as complementary courses for workers. The project partners will ensure that cross-border recognition of the skills acquired is implemented and support is provided.